Adding decarbonization initiatives

This guide explains how you can add initiatives into the Emitwise platform, as well as auto-generate case studies.


Decarbonization initiatives are targeted projects—such as switching to renewable energy or optimizing product design—that reduce your organization’s greenhouse gas emissions. Emitwise’s initiative wizard walks you through three steps:

  1. Basic Details
  2. Expected Impact & Costs
  3. Finalize & (Optionally) Create WBCSD Case Study

Creating a case study for the WBCSD’s Climate Drive is a powerful way to highlight your success story globally and gain recognition for your sustainability leadership.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Basic Details

  1. Navigate to the Decarbonization Initiatives Section

    • In Profile > Carbonization Information, scroll to the Decarbonization Initiatives tile.
    • Click Add Your Initiatives to launch the wizard.


  2. Enter Initiative Basics

    • Initiative Name: Keep it concise (e.g., “Switch to Solar Power”).
    • Description: Brief summary of what the project entails (max 1–2 sentences).
  3. Select GHG Scope & Categories

    • E.g., “Scope 1 – Stationary Combustion,” or “Scope 2 – Purchased Electricity.”
  4. Set Timelines & Status

    • Target Start Date & Target Implemented Date: When you plan to begin and complete.
    • Initiative Status: Investigating, Planned, Implementing, or Done.
  5. Click “Next”

    • Proceed to the second step for impact and cost details.


Step 2: Expected Impact & Costs

  1. Expected Annual Emissions Savings (tCO₂e)

    • Enter how many tonnes of CO₂e you expect to reduce each year once the initiative is implemented.
    • Check “I don’t know” if you’re unsure and want to estimate later.
  2. Upfront Capital Expenditure

    • Enter the initial cost to kickstart or install the initiative.
    • Select a Currency (e.g., EUR, USD).
    • Check “I don’t know” if this figure is not yet available.
  3. Annual Maintenance Cost

    • Provide the expected yearly cost to keep the initiative running.
    • Again, choose the relevant Currency.
    • Check “I don’t know” if not applicable or unknown.
  4. Click “Next”

    • Emitwise uses these inputs to gauge ROI, payback periods, and overall feasibility.


Step 3: Success Confirmation & WBCSD Case Study

  1. Success Message

    • Emitwise confirms your initiative has been created. You’ll see a quick summary of your inputs.
  2. Invitation to Create a WBCSD Case Study

    • You’ll be prompted to “Create a case study for WBCSD’s Climate Drive.”
    • This step is optional but highly recommended.


  3. Why Publish on WBCSD’s Climate Drive?

    • Global Visibility: Show your climate action to an international network of sustainability-minded companies.
    • Thought Leadership: Position your organization as an innovator in decarbonization efforts.
    • Peer Inspiration: Other businesses can learn from your successes, and you can learn from theirs.
    • Potential Partnerships: Being featured may open doors for collaboration, grants, or investor interest.


  4. Click “Finish” or “Create Case Study”

    • Choose “Finish” if you’re done, or “Create Case Study” to proceed with the AI-generated case study flow.
    • If you opt for the case study, you’ll upload supporting documents and your company logo. Emitwise’s AI will help craft a professional narrative aligned with WBCSD standards.


You’ve successfully added a decarbonization initiative across three distinct steps—from basic details, to impact and cost estimates, and finally the chance to showcase your progress through a WBCSD case study. By sharing your success, you not only build credibility but also inspire broader climate action within and beyond your industry.