If you have already calculated PCFs and are looking to upload them, here is the recommended content for what to include your attached Methodology Report:
- Product & Scope
- Clear product description and specification
- System boundaries description
- Description of Life cycle stages included
- Any exclusions clearly stated
- Carbon Accounting
- GWP100 values broken down by life cycle stage
- Clear handling of biogenic carbon (if applicable)
- Standard followed (IS)14044, ISO 14067, GHGP etc)
- Data Quality
- Primary data sources and collection year
- Background data sources and databases used
- Geographic scope of data
- Technology coverage
- Data completeness and gaps
- Methodological Details
- Functional/declared unit definition
- Allocation methods used
- Cut-off criteria
- Calculation approach
- Uncertainty discussions
- Verification
- Third-party verification status
- PCR reference (if applicable)
- Study period and validity dates
- Report author and verifier details