Can you model emissions for data that cannot be provided?

Sometimes you may not be able to send us the data that we need to complete your carbon emissions assessment.

To help fill these data gaps, Emitwise can estimate your emissions for some GHG Protocol scope categories through modelling.

For certain emissions categories, such as employee commuting, Emitwise will model as standard. You will receive a full description of the employee commuting model in your annual methodology report.

The extrapolation or modelling is a process done by the carbon accountants when the primary data provided is either incomplete or unavailable.

Depending on what other data is available, different modelling approaches are used. An example is extrapolating from another facility or year, or deriving consumption from spend data or staff numbers. The order of preference of applying these approaches is based on an internally defined data gap modelling hierarchy which lists the best and most accurate modelling approach to use. 


Extrapolation is used to complete data sets where we may not receive data for an entire time period or if we are missing data from a specific facility.

Extrapolation is based on using the data that has been collected and using this to estimate data for the data gaps. Extrapolation can be based on various data, depending on what is available. 

If the data gaps are temporal, the data provided will be used. However, if the data gaps are missing for certain locations, then extrapolations will be based on revenue, sq feet, or FTEs. The decision on the best modelling approach is at the discretion of the Carbon Accounting Lead, and will be discussed during data collection check-ins.

Activity types that can be modelled include:

  • Purchased electricity
  • FERA
  • Water & wastewater consumption
  • Waste generated in operations 
  • Employee commuting & teleworking
  • Downstream emissions

As standard, employee commuting & teleworking, and downstream emissions will be modelled. When your annual emissions inventory is completed, you will receive a methodology report explaining any modelling or extrapolation of data.