Configuring email templates

Emitwise lets you configure a default template for all outgoing supplier requests, so you don’t have to rewrite the same messaging every time.


When requesting data from suppliers via Procurewise, you may want to personalize the email sent to your suppliers on your behalf—add a unique banner, brand name, or contact info. Emitwise lets you configure a default template for all outgoing supplier requests, so you don’t have to rewrite the same messaging every time.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open Company Settings

    • Click your avatar in the top-right corner.
    • Choose Company Settings.


  2. Navigate to Default Request Text

    • On the left-side navigation, click on Default request text.
    • You’ll see fields for Request message, Company banner, Supplier program name, and contact info.


  3. Craft Your Message

    • In Request message, type a friendly, concise invitation.
    • Example: “Hello! We’re excited to invite you to our Decarbonization Partnership Program…”


  4. Add Banner & Branding

    • Company banner: Insert a URL to an image file (JPEG, PNG, WEBP). This banner will be shown at the top of emails sent on your behalf.
    • Supplier program name: E.g., “Helping suppliers decarbonize”

    GE Aerospace x Emitwise - CBAM@2x

  5. Set Point of Contact Info

    • This will be the point of contact in your company that suppliers will be referred to.


You’ve customized your default email template, ensuring each supplier receives a consistent, branded invitation when you request their data. This saves time, maintains a professional look, and helps build trust in your decarbonization program.