Create and track targets

Set carbon reduction targets and ensure you are on track with our new target-setting tool.

  1. Navigate to Reduce and click on “Create a target
  2. Enter a name for your target
  3. Select the scopes & categories you want to include for your target. Note: you can set a target for one category only (e.g. purchased goods & services) if you want.
  4. Select your reduction ambition:
    • Percentage of emissions: Pick any reduction percentage and target year up to 2050
    • 1.5C (SBT): Pick an annual reduction percentage ≥ 4.2% and target year up to 10 years from your baseline
    • Well below 2C: Pick an annual reduction percentage ≥ 2.5% and ≤ 4.2% and target year up to 10 years from your baseline
  5. The reduction percentage shown is the total percentage reduction at the target year
  6. Once you’ve selected your options, the right chart will start displaying your target. You can play with the parameters and watch the chart update live. Note: the projected line is calculated as a trend based on the previous months of data we have. 
  7. Once you’re happy, click “Create a new target”

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You will now see a grid view of all your created targets. You can track whether you’re “On track” or “Off track” based on your projected emissions.

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You can delete a target and download an image of the target by clicking on the top right menu.

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