Creating and managing engagement campaigns

This guide shows you how to group suppliers under campaign tags, helping you monitor and compare the performance of different supplier outreach efforts.


This guide shows you how to group suppliers under campaign tags, helping you monitor and compare the performance of different supplier outreach efforts. Organizing your suppliers into distinct campaign cohorts makes it easier to track responses and identify opportunities for improvement.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open Your Supplier Table

    • Navigate to the Collect / Supplier Data page, where the table is found.
  2. Switch to the “Ready to Engage” Tab

    • At the top of the table, click the Ready to Engage tab.
    • Only suppliers in the “Ready to Engage” data collection status can be assigned to campaigns.


  3. Select Suppliers

    • Use the checkboxes next to the supplier names to select one or multiple suppliers. You can also bulk select all the suppliers in the table at once.
    • A toolbar will appear at the top of the table once you’ve made your selections.
  4. Add Campaign Tags

    • From the toolbar, click Add Tags.


  5. Create or Select a Campaign Tag

    • In the side panel that opens, locate the Campaign Tags field.
    • Type a new campaign name (e.g., “Campaign A”) and select Create Tag if it doesn’t already exist.
    • Alternatively, select one or multiple existing tags from the dropdown.


  6. Confirm and Apply Tags

    • Click Add Tags in the bottom right of the side panel.
    • Your suppliers are now tagged with the selected campaign(s).

Common Issues / Tips

  • Multiple Campaigns: You can assign suppliers to more than one campaign if you plan to track different types of outreach simultaneously.
  • Naming Conventions: Use descriptive names (e.g., “Q1 Sustainability Drive”) to easily identify the purpose and timeline of a campaign.


You have successfully created and assigned campaign tags to your suppliers, enabling you to better organize and measure your outreach. Next, consider sending data requests or exploring the “Supplier Engagement Tracking” section to view campaign performance metrics.