This guide explains how to create a target and monitor your progress.
Setting clear emissions reduction targets helps your organization stay focused on cutting carbon. In Emitwise, you can define the portion of your emissions you want to reduce (e.g., specific facilities or Scope 3 only), specify your baseline year, and set an ambitious reduction goal. This guide explains how to create a target and monitor your progress.
Step-by-Step Guide
Navigate to “Targets”
- Click Reduce in the top navigation.
- Select Targets.
- You’ll see any existing targets displayed as charts.
Create a New Target
- Click the Create target button (located in the top right).
- A modal appears, guiding you through the setup.
Name Your Target
- Provide a descriptive title (e.g., “Global Net Zero 2040” or “Scope 3 Supplier Engagement”).
Choose Which Emissions to Include
- Decide the target boundary, the portion of your total emissions the target covers—e.g., just Scope 3.1 purchased goods and service, or just a facility in France.
Select Reduction Ambition
- Percentage of Emissions: E.g., “Reduce by 30% from baseline.”
- Science-Based Targets: E.g., “1.5°C” or “Well below 2°C.”
Set Baseline Year and Completion Date
- Baseline Year: Must be a year with data in Emitwise (e.g., 2022).
- Target Year: The future deadline for achieving your reduction goal.
Specify Reduction Percentage
- If you picked a custom percentage approach, type in the exact amount (e.g., 30%).
- For science-based targets, Emitwise might auto-calculate feasible percentages.
Create the Target
- Click Create a new target (or similar).
- The system generates a chart showing your projected emissions vs. target line.
Track Performance
- Return to this screen to see how your actual emissions compare to the required pathway.
- If your emissions (or the projection line) are below the target line, you’re on track.
Common Issues/Tips
- Tip: Use meaningful target names if you plan multiple targets (e.g., “Global 1.5° SBTi” vs. “Europe Net Zero 2050”).
You’ve successfully created a custom reduction target. Over time, revisit Targets to see if you’re on or off track. If off track, consider strategies—like supplier engagement or efficiency improvements—to realign with your goals.