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  2. Supplier FAQs
  3. Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)

How does your software prevent double counting from happening?

Double counting typically occurs when multiple sources of data are received that represent the same activity. For example, a company might share data from a centralised fleet management software on its fleet’s fuel consumption for a year but also include these payments as expenses in its spend data. If this was not spotted, the emissions from the consumption of that fuel would be double counted.

With our standard customer offering, we have an in-house team of carbon accounting experts who are responsible for conducting in-depth quality control checks of all GHG emissions data calculated by the Emitwise engine to ensure that there is no double counting of emissions anywhere.

With our supplier offering, where we look to collect a wide variety of data on a customer’s activities, here we will be estimating your GHG emissions using pre-categorised spend data. As we will be using only one data source for the assessment, there is no possibility of double counting occurring as we will be relying on spend data for all calculations.