How can I motivate my suppliers to provide me with actual data for the CBAM report?

Emphasize mutual benefits and long-term partnership

Motivating suppliers to provide actual emissions data requires a multi-faceted approach:

1. Educate suppliers: Explain CBAM and its implications. Many suppliers may not be fully aware of CBAM and its requirements. Provide clear information about why this data is crucial for your compliance. Emitwise can support doing this for you! 

2. Highlight business advantages: Emphasize that providing accurate data can give their products a competitive edge. If their emissions are lower than the default values, it could result in lower CBAM costs, making their products more attractive.

3. Stress long-term partnership: Frame this as part of building a stronger, more transparent relationship. Suppliers who cooperate on CBAM reporting are likely to be preferred partners as environmental regulations tighten globally.

4. Offer technical support: Provide guidance or resources to help suppliers calculate and report their emissions. This could include sharing calculation tools or best practices. Remember, Emitwise is able to support your suppliers to measure CBAM emissions. 

5. Contractual requirements: Consider incorporating emissions reporting requirements into future contracts or supply agreements.

6. Incentivize early adoption: Offer incentives for suppliers who provide accurate data early, such as preferred supplier status or longer-term contracts.

7. Collaborate on emission reduction: Propose working together on reducing emissions, which can lead to cost savings and improved competitiveness for both parties.

8. Highlight global trends: Stress that many regions are moving towards similar carbon pricing mechanisms, so preparing now will put them ahead of the curve.

9. Share the risks: Discuss the potential penalties for non-compliance and how this could affect your business relationship. Frame data sharing as a way to mitigate mutual risks.

10. Leverage industry initiatives: Participate in and promote industry-wide initiatives for standardized emissions reporting to reduce the burden on individual suppliers. Emitwise has a solution that you can leverage off-the-shelf. 

By combining these approaches, you can create a compelling case for suppliers to cooperate in providing actual emissions data, framing it as a mutually beneficial aspect of your business relationship.