1. Emitwise Academy
  2. Supplier FAQs
  3. Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)

How do I calculate a PCF?

Here's a detailed guide on how to calculate a PCF in your Emitwise Profile.

1. In your Profile, head to the PCF section and click "Calculate a PCF for free"

2. In the Description step, enter the following information:

  • Product name: enter the name of your product
  • UUID: enter the internal ID of your product
  • Mass: indicate whether you sell your product by mass, and if you sell it by unit what is the average mass of one unit of the product
  • Reference period: what is the date for which you're providing data
  • Product category: select the product category that best represents your product. You can use search to type in anything!
  • Facilities: enter the facility in which your product is assembled. You can create a facility and enter its name and country, then select it

3. To calculate the emissions related to your materials, we just need your bill of materials. You can download a template here to see what sort of data we need. The template also has a tab with an example BOM. The only required fields are:

  • Part name: the specific name or identifier for the part being listed
  • Country of origin: the country where the part or material was produced or sourced from
  • Quantity: the number of units of this part needed to manufacture one unit of the product
  • Quantity unit: the unit of measurement for the quantity (e.g. kilogram, units, litres...)

Note: your BOM will NOT be shared with your customer. If you want, you can request an NDA by clicking on the link in the modal:

4. Click "Select files" and upload your BOM.

5. In this step, you're asked to confirm which row has the column names (headers). The system automatically makes a guess and asks you to confirm by clicking "Continue".

6. In the next step, please map the columns in your file (on the left) to the columns we expect (in the dropdown fields). Once you've mapped all required fields (indicated at the bottom of the modal), you will be able to press "Confirm". 

Note: if you have additional fields in your BOM file that don't need to be mapped, you can leave the selection empty. 

7. In this step, you can review the BOM data you're uploading and correct any errors. In this case, some of the rows are missing a Quantity unit. 

Once you've cleaned all errors, you can click on "Complete Import" and "Submit", then "Next" 🎉

8. In this step, the system tries to automatically identify for each material in your BOM file (on the left) what is the closest product category (on the right). The classified product category will determine the emission factor we use to calculate emissions. 

Please review the classification. You can change it or add it by clicking on the fields in the right and searching for the best product category. 

Once you're happy, click "Next".

9. In this last step, you're asked to enter primary data on the energy used to manufacture the product. 

First, you need to select whether you can submit:

  • the exact utility data needed to create 1 unit of your product (preferred)
  • the data on utility used in 1 year of the manufacturing process
  • the data on utility used in 1 year at the facility where the product is assembled / manufactured

10. If you select "Facility", please enter how much you produce of that product vs how much you produce in total at the facility. We will use this to allocate the right amount of utility data to your specific product. 

11. Next, enter how much fuel, energy, water and waste were used. Again, the values should be for the product specifically, for 1 year of the process, or 1 year at the facility (see step 9). 

  • For all sections, the Supplier field is optional
  • If you did not use one of the energy type, please enter "0" in Quantity
  • If you used multiple fuel types, you can add a row and select another fuel type
  • Once you're done, press "Submit"

12. You're done 🎉 When you press "Close", you will see your calculated PCF in the table, with the calculated emission intensity. The PCF is now visible to your customer. 

Next, it will go through a series of automated and manual data quality checks.