How do I submit the data?

Emitwise's unique technology provides you, as a supplier to your customer, with a simple, low-effort way of calculating your carbon emissions by uploading a spreadsheet of all your purchased goods and services as a company.

You will have received an email from Emitwise asking you to complete the questionnaire. In this email, you will find a link to a Typeform survey. Everything you need to submit your data successfully can be found here.

Can't find the link? Reach out to us.

You can expect the survey to ask you the following questions.

  1. Open the survey and answer a few basic questions about your company's sustainability strategy.
    1. Have you calculated emissions before?
      1. No we haven't
      2. Only Scope 1 and 2
      3. Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3
    2. Have you set a target?
    3. Do you report emissions?
    4. Do you have any emission reduction initiatives in place?
  2. Depending on whether you've calculated none, some or all GHG Protocol Scopes of emission before, you will be directed to either input emissions already calculated, or supply purchase data so that we can calculate it for you.
  3. If you have calculated some Scopes of emissions:
    1. You will be asked to provide the tCO2e inputs for Scopes 1, 2 & 3, where available and, where possible, to break it down by the GHG Protocol Category. 
      1. If you cannot provide more granularity or a category is not relevant to your company's emissions inventory, then you can enter "0" to skip it and we will assume it is irrelevant and should be excluded. 
    2. You are all done, unless there is still a portion of your emissions that has not yet been calculated, then skip to (4.)
  4. If you have not calculated emissions before or have not calculated emissions for all Scopes; we'll make this really easy for you. 
    1. You will be directed to a .xlsx file named ‘Emitwise Spend Template’. This template helps you to understand what data we require for the emissions calculation. 
      1. Make a copy of the ‘Emitwise Spend Template’.
      2. Insert your purchase data for your organisation's [requested financial year].
      3. Include payments of all operational goods (e.g. raw materials), capital assets (e.g. vehicles, machinery, IT) and services.
      4. Save and download the file once you have included all your data for requested year.
      5. Upload the completed file to the data collection survey.
    2. You are all done!
  5. We will then ask you for the total revenue for the financial year end in question. We will share this information with your customer as it's helpful for them to understand how to apportion emissions from you as their customer, to their own. You can read more about our calculation methodology here

If you have questions during this process, don't hesitate to contact us using the email address [yourcustomername] or via LiveChat.