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  2. CBAM Academy
  3. Understanding the CBAM Reporting Template

How should I approach filling out the template?

Systematic, sheet-by-sheet completion with attention to detail

To fill out the template effectively:

  1. Start with the Guidelines & Conditions sheet to understand the overall requirements and color-coding system.
  2. Move sequentially through the sheets, starting with InstData to provide basic information about your installation and goods produced.
  3. In the Emissions & Energy sheet, provide overall GHG emissions and energy consumption data for your installation.
  4. The Processes sheet is crucial - fill this out carefully for each relevant production process, providing detailed information on production levels, emissions, and energy flows.
  5. Use drop-down menus where available to ensure standardized inputs.
  6. Pay close attention to units of measurement specified in each section.
  7. Review error messages (in red) and address any issues highlighted.
  8. Check the summary sheets to ensure all data looks correct and complete.

Take your time and gather all necessary data before starting. It's often helpful to have production records, energy consumption data, and emissions monitoring results on hand.