I have concerns about data security, how will you ensure my data is protected?

The privacy and security of our customers and their suppliers are paramount to Emitwise.

Emitwise security systems and processes are frequently scrutinised and approved by some of the largest global companies, including the likes of banks and consultancies.

  • Your spend data will never be shared with your customer. The only data that will be shared with your customer are final emissions results and final revenue figures.
  • Through participation in this project, you are automatically entered into an end-user licence agreement and data processing agreement, which includes a confidentiality agreement.
    • We each agree to (a) keep confidential all confidential information of the other party which we receive in connection with this EULA (b) only use confidential information as is strictly necessary for the performance of, or exercise of our rights under, this EULA; and (c) not disclose this confidential information to any third party other than as set out in this EULA. We each may disclose the other's confidential information to the extent: (d) required by law; and (e) as expressly agreed with your Organisation and in this EULA.
  • Upon request, we can arrange a signed NDA.