Initiatives tracker

Track all your decarbonisation initiatives in the same place and simulate their impact on your emissions. 

  1. Navigate to "Reduce" and "Initiatives"
  2. By default, the visualisation shows:
    - Historic emissions, as a teal line
    - Business as usual, as a black line: your projected emissions calculated based on the trend in your historical emissions
    - Target, either one you created or a default SBTI-aligned target (i.e. using latest year as baseline year, 10 years as duration, and 4.2% annual reduction)
    - Gap between your projected emissions and the target, in bright pink
    Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 16.42.49
  3. Click on "Create initiative" to add a new one. If you want inspiration, we recommend you look at the WBCSD's initiatives library:
  4. Enter the information you have available. Note the fields are all optional. They match the CDP reporting requirements around initiatives, so you can easily export and report them when needed:
    - Investment: upfront cost to set up the initiative
    - Financial savings: how much money you are expecting to save per year. If the initiative will cost you money, enter a negative value
    - Emissions savings: how much reduction do you expect to see in your emissions per year
    - Lifetime: how long the financial and savings apply
    Status: the state of the initiative
    Implementation start date: when you're planning to start the implementation of the initiative. You can leave this blank 
    Implementation end date: when you expect to finish the implementation of the initiative, so when you expect to start seeing the financial and emissions savings
    Owner: you can select one of your users as the owner
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  5. The following fields will be automatically calculated for you and should help you compare your initiatives:
    Payback: how long it will take for the initiative to pay for itself through the savings it generates. The lower the better!
    - Abatement cost: the cost of reducing carbon emissions measured per tCO2e. The lower (more negative) the better! 
  6. The number graph at the top of the page will now show the total expected emissions reductions per year from all your initiatives 
    Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 16.53.33
  7. The visualisations will now help you understand the potential impact of your initiatives on your projected emissions and target! 
    - The slices show you the total projected emissions reductions for initiatives of the same status
    - The forecast with initiatives, in blue line, shows your projected emissions including the expected reductions from your initiatives
    Screenshot 2024-03-12 at 16.53.42

9. You can change the target plotted in this chart by selecting any of your full company targets in the dropdown menu at the top right corner

10. You can download the chart image and data by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner