Is there a required data format?

There are two options based on whether you’ve calculated emissions before or not.

Option 1: If you have not calculated emissions before:

how to upload your data

We have made a Supplier Engagement Template available to you.

You are asked to submit a copy of all purchased goods and services as a company, including payments of all operational goods (e.g. raw materials), capital assets (e.g. vehicles, machinery, IT) and services for the financial year requested.

The fields you need to complete on this template for each data point are:

  • Purchase date [the date you made this purchase]
  • Country of spend [The country where this supplier is located]
  • Supplier name [Name of the supplier who you made this purchase from]
  • Spend value [The total spend value of the purchase]
  • Currency [The 3-digit code for the currency you purchased this in, i.e. USD, EUR or GBP]
  • Spend category [The category to which this purchase is related too, commonly this will be stored within your finance system, e.g. “Office supplies’]

If you can submit it in the template provided, that is ideal; however, if you cannot, you can submit it in a format that is still tabular (i.e. not a doc, pdf or image file), and we’ll ask you to map the headers to your file so that we can translate it.

Option 2: If you have calculated emissions before

Externally calcullated emissions

We have made an Externally Calculated Emissions Template available to you. You will need to input the total tCO2e calculated (for the most recent financial year calculated) in as much detail as is available to you.

Additional detail, as below, is helpful but optional:

  • Emissions (tCO2e) broken down by scope and GHG category
  • Evaluation status:
    • Relevant: calculated and relevant to your emissions inventory
    • Relevant: not yet calculated, but relevant to your emissions inventory
    • Not relevant: Calculated
    • Not relevant: explanation provided
    • Not evaluated
  • Calculation method: the approach taken to calculate emissions, where available
  • Comment: open text field to add more commentary