Learn more about supplier scorecards

Supplier scorecards help companies understand where they are at in their decarbonisation journey and how to progress further.

Understanding Your Decarbonisation Journey

The Emitwise supplier scorecard provides a comprehensive snapshot of where suppliers stand in their decarbonisation efforts. By submitting company information and emissions data, suppliers receive a decarbonisation score that reflects their current status. This score helps suppliers understand their progress and identify the best steps to improve their sustainability practices.

Why Supplier Scorecards Matter

For suppliers, the scorecard offers clarity and direction. It helps them recognise the importance of participating in decarbonisation initiatives and provides a clear framework for improvement. Suppliers who engage with the scorecard can see where they stand, learn about necessary milestones, and receive tailored recommendations to advance to the next level of sustainability.

For customers, the scorecard simplifies the process of evaluating suppliers. It provides a quick and easy way to compare suppliers based on their decarbonisation efforts, making it easier to identify and partner with those who are committed to reducing their carbon footprint.

How It Works

1. Initial Engagement: When a supplier is part of a decarbonisation campaign, they gain access to their scorecard, which initially displays an 'Insufficient' score. This indicates that no data has been submitted yet.

2. Data Submission: Suppliers are prompted to submit company information and, if available, emissions data. This data is crucial for calculating a more accurate decarbonisation score.

3. Score Calculation and Recommendations: Based on the submitted data, suppliers receive a score categorised as Insufficient, Starter, Bronze, Silver, or Gold. Each level comes with specific recommendations to help suppliers move to the next tier, except for Gold, which represents the highest level of achievement.

4. Data quality checks: Initially the score is subject to data quality checks which should be completed in a few days. If these pass, your score will remain the same but if we see quality issues we may drop your score until the issues have been resolved

5. Deadline Notifications: Suppliers can see which customers have requested their scorecard and the deadlines for submitting their data. This transparency ensures that suppliers understand the urgency and importance of timely participation.

6. Continuous Improvement: Suppliers have the opportunity to improve their scores before they are shared with customers, unlike other platforms. This iterative process encourages continuous improvement and higher engagement levels.

Getting Started

If your customer has invited you to take part in a supplier engagement campaign with Emitwise, visit dash.emitwise.com/register to create your account and access your scorecard. Here you will be able to see information about the request from your customer and provide information to improve your score. Start your decarbonisation journey today and see how Emitwise can support your efforts to create a more sustainable future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Emitwise supplier scorecard? A: The Emitwise supplier scorecard is a tool designed to help suppliers understand and improve their decarbonisation efforts. By submitting company information and emissions data, suppliers receive a score that reflects their progress and provides recommendations for improvement.

Q: How do I access my supplier scorecard? A: If your customer has invited you to take part in a supplier engagement campaign with Emitwise, you can access your scorecard by visiting dash.emitwise.com/register and creating an account. Your scorecard will be available in the requests tab on the platform.

Q: What information do I need to submit to improve my score? A: Suppliers need to submit their company information form and, if available, their spend file or emissions data. This data is crucial for calculating an accurate decarbonisation score.

Q: What are the different levels of the decarbonisation score? A: The decarbonisation score has five levels: Insufficient, Starter, Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each level represents a stage in the supplier's decarbonisation journey, with specific recommendations provided to help suppliers advance to the next level.

Q: Can I improve my score before it is shared with customers? A: Yes, unlike other platforms, Emitwise allows suppliers to improve their score before it is shared with customers. This encourages suppliers to continuously work on their decarbonisation efforts and achieve higher scores.

Q: What happens if I don't submit my data by the deadline? A: If you do not submit your data by the deadline, your score will remain at the 'Insufficient' level. This may reflect poorly on your company when customers review your decarbonisation efforts.

Q: How does the scorecard benefit my company? A: The scorecard helps your company understand its current decarbonisation status, identify areas for improvement, and receive actionable recommendations. This can enhance your sustainability efforts, improve your reputation with customers, and potentially attract new business opportunities.

Q: What are the milestones for each decarbonisation level? A: Each level of the decarbonisation score comes with specific milestones that suppliers need to achieve. These milestones are tailored to the supplier's current status and provide clear steps for improvement. For detailed information on milestones, refer to your scorecard on the Emitwise platform.

Q: Can I see which customers have requested my scorecard? A: Yes, suppliers can view which customers have requested their scorecard.This information is available on the Emitwise platform, ensuring transparency and clarity.

Q: What support does Emitwise offer to help me improve my score? A: Emitwise provides detailed recommendations for each decarbonisation level, guiding suppliers on the steps needed to advance. Additionally, suppliers can upgrade to a customer plan on the Emitwise platform for more comprehensive support and resources.

Q: How is the Emitwise platform different from other sustainability platforms like EcoVadis? A: Unlike other platforms, Emitwise allows suppliers to improve their scores before they are shared with customers. This feature encourages continuous improvement and higher engagement levels. Emitwise also offers tailored recommendations and milestones for each decarbonisation level, providing clear guidance for suppliers.

Q: What should I do if I have technical issues accessing my scorecard? A: If you encounter technical issues, please contact Emitwise support through the platform's help section or by emailing support@emitwise.com. Our team is available to assist you with any problems you may face.