What Are the Common Reasons for Failing Automated Data Quality Checks?

Understand why your data may not pass Emitwise’s automated checks.

Q: What are the most common reasons for failing automated data quality checks?

A: Suppliers often fail automated checks due to:

  • Incomplete data for the year: This occurs when data is missing for parts of the reporting period. Common issues include submitting data outside the expected timeframe or leaving certain months incomplete.

  • Data outside industry benchmarks: This happens when your submitted data doesn’t align with standard industry values. For example, your revenue might be too high or too low for a company of your size and industry, or your emissions might be unusually low. If you believe your data is accurate but outside the benchmarks, you can appeal the decision and request a manual review. Follow the steps in the platform to submit an appeal.

Q: How can I avoid failing automated checks?

A: Double-check your submission to ensure all required data is present for the entire reporting year, and ensure your revenue and emissions data is correct before submitting. If you continue to fail automated checks but believe the data to be accurate, submit an appeal.