Understanding Supplier Engagement in Emitwise
In Emitwise, the term "engaged" refers to suppliers to whom a data request has been successfully sent and delivered. Engagement helps track your efforts to involve suppliers in emissions reporting, regardless of whether they respond or are part of a specific campaign. Here's how "engaged" suppliers are identified and calculated:
Criteria for Engaged Suppliers
Suppliers not linked to buyer's activity data
- These suppliers count as engaged if a data request has been sent. While their emissions impact may not be calculated (as the activity is forward-looking), tracking these suppliers supports future data collection efforts or procurement decision-making.
- Suppliers not linked to activity data will be clearly identifiable (as $0 spend or 0 emissions) to avoid confusion.
Suppliers without a campaign or not in a list
- Suppliers are considered engaged if they have been sent a request, even if they are not part of a campaign or list.
- Emitwise helps you identify engaged suppliers not in campaigns or lists, so you can include them where necessary.
Opted-out suppliers
- Opted-out suppliers count as engaged only if a data request was successfully sent to them.
- Suppliers who opted out but were never sent a request are not considered engaged.
Bounced suppliers
- If all contacts at a supplier have bounced (i.e., email delivery failed), the supplier is not counted as engaged since no successful engagement occurred.
Unresponsive suppliers
- Suppliers who do not respond to requests still count as engaged if a request was successfully delivered.
- These suppliers are tracked as unresponsive, providing insights into engagement challenges.
Does Timing Matter?
No, the timing of events does not impact engagement status. If a request has been sent and delivered to at least one contact, the supplier is considered engaged, even if they later opt out or fail to respond.
Why Is Supplier Engagement Important?
Tracking engagement provides transparency into your efforts to involve suppliers, identifies areas where further action may be needed, and supports comprehensive emissions reporting. Emitwise ensures that all engagement scenarios are accounted for, giving you the insights to drive meaningful collaboration with your suppliers.
If you have further questions about engagement or need help managing your suppliers, feel free to contact our support team. We're here to help!