What if our record-keeping isn't perfect - can we still report emissions?

Learn how to handle incomplete data and still create meaningful reports

Yes! The goal of emissions reporting isn't perfection - it's progress. Many small businesses worry about gaps in their records, but there are practical solutions.

If you have incomplete records, you can:

  • Use available months to create reasonable estimates
  • Document your assumptions clearly
  • Start with your largest and most consistent expenses
  • Improve your data collection over time

What matters most is getting started with the information you have. Our system is designed to work with real-world business data, not perfect records. As you continue reporting, you can refine your process and data quality naturally. Many businesses find that simply beginning the process helps them identify areas where they can improve their record-keeping for the future.

Remember: Every business starts somewhere, and it's better to begin with imperfect data than not to begin at all. We'll help you improve over time.