Understanding Corporate Emissions Intensity

Key Metric for Assessing Environmental Efficiency

Corporate emissions intensity measures a company's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in relation to a specific measure of economic activity or output. This metric is essential for evaluating how efficiently a company operates in terms of carbon dioxide or equivalent GHG emissions per unit of output. By normalizing emissions data, it allows for meaningful comparisons between companies of varying sizes and industries.

Common Forms of Emissions Intensity

  1. Emissions per Revenue: This metric calculates emissions relative to a company's total revenue, indicating the amount of emissions generated per dollar of revenue. This is the intensity that is calculated in your Profile.

  2. Emissions per Employee: This measure assesses emissions per employee, helping to understand the environmental impact relative to workforce size.

  3. Emissions per Product Unit: Particularly relevant for manufacturing companies, this metric shows emissions per unit of product produced.

  4. Emissions per Market Cap: This form of emissions intensity relates emissions to the company's market capitalization, offering insight into emissions relative to market value.

Purpose and Benefits

  • Benchmarking: Enables companies to compare their environmental performance with peers and across industries.
  • Target Setting: Facilitates the establishment of emissions reduction targets that align with business growth.
  • Reporting: Provides essential data for investors and regulators to assess sustainability.
  • Decision Making: Helps companies identify areas for improving efficiency and reducing emissions.


A manufacturing company that emits 10,000 metric tons of CO₂e annually while producing 100,000 units of a product would have an emissions intensity of 0.1 metric tons of CO₂e per unit.

In conclusion, corporate emissions intensity is a vital tool for understanding and managing the environmental impact of business activities.