What type of data are you collecting?

We are collecting:

  • If you have already calculated your company's emissions: Evidence of the externally calculated emissions data for the most recent year calculated.
  • If you have not yet calculated emissions: Your company's spend (procurement) data for one financial reporting year.

Procurement data consists of purchase orders, accounts payable, expenses, and credit card spend data - a complete breakdown is provided below.

This data enables us to calculate most of your scope 3 emissions.

It typically contains at least the following fields:

  • Purchase date: Date of purchase
  • Country of spend: Location of the supplier of the purchase (country).
  • Supplier name: Name of the supplier of the purchase.
  • Spend value: The spend value of the purchase.
  • Currency of spend: The spend currency (3-digit code).
  • Spend category: Any internal procurement category descriptor.
  • Spend description: Any additional description of the spend. Commonly this is stored as "Narrative" or "Description" in systems.