Where can I find my company's spend data?

Guidance for locating your spend data within your organisation, whom you should ask and what you should request from them. Includes an email template.

Spend data refers to the detailed information about how and where your company spends its money, otherwise known as procurement data. 

Your finance team should be able to provide you with this data by downloading an export from your finance system.

You can use this template to quickly see what data we need and how to best format it.


To make requesting the data easier, you can use the below email template:


Hi [name],

We are supporting one of our key customers to understand the carbon impact of the products/services we deliver to them. There is business value in our participation.

To support them, I require an export of our spend (i.e. procurement) data. The data I need specifically is the spend amount for purchased goods and services.

For ease, you can use this template.

Please exclude any sensitive or personal data. This relates to identifiable information, including names, addresses or card numbers - for example, please do not include payroll or employee benefit information.

*If you could get this back to me by XX/XX/XXXX that would be great.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Emitwise directly at support@emitwise.com*

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best wishes,

[Your name]