1. Emitwise Academy
  2. Supplier FAQs
  3. Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)

Why should I calculate a PCF?

We offer you the ability to calculate a PCF for free so you can report to your customers and get insights on your product-level emissions

If you've been engaged in Procurewise, it means your customer is dedicating money and time to ensure their suppliers are taking action towards decarbonisation. 

As part of this program, you are receiving the ability to calculate a product carbon footprint (PCF) for free. Calculating a PCF can take weeks and a lot of money when done by consultancies, so this is a great opportunity to get a PCF. You can export the PCF and methodology report from Emitwise and share it with other customers who might request PCFs from you. 

On the other end, your customer will be able to use a more accurate emission factor to calculate the emissions related to the purchases they make with you. That means, if your product is less carbon intensive than the industry average, they will be able to see that and get rewarded for purchasing from you.