Can Emitwise upload data on behalf of a supplier?

Emitwise is able to support suppliers to upload data but we do not upload data on behalf of suppliers.

Emitwise is committed to making it easy for Suppliers to submit their emissions data and upload their spend for emissions measurement. Instead of uploading data on behalf of Suppliers, we prefer to support them in uploading their data themselves. For instance, we offer assistance through screen-sharing sessions during video calls. This allows us to identify any issues they encounter and improve the process for future users.

Ensuring Data Security and Integrity

When Suppliers upload their data on our platform, they pass through a secure registration firewall, ensuring the integrity and security of their information. Receiving data via email and uploading it ourselves exposes both parties to potential security risks and data breaches. Encouraging Suppliers to use the platform directly helps maintain good data handling practices and protects sensitive information.

Enhancing Data Quality

Encouraging Suppliers to engage directly with our platform offers several benefits. They can easily return to provide additional details, such as increasing their Supplier Score, which improves data quality for Customers. Suppliers also benefit by becoming confident users of the product, enabling them to share their data with other customers effortlessly, saving time and reducing effort.

Special Circumstances

In rare cases where a Supplier is physically unable to upload their data, such as being in a territory with internet restrictions like China, Emitwise will assist. We follow strict data protection and privacy steps to ensure the data is securely shared, handled, and stored.

By empowering suppliers to manage their data submission process, we foster a more secure, efficient, and user-friendly environment that benefits everyone involved.