Emitwise Academy
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Supplier FAQs
Procurewise Academy
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Engagement Campaign Setup
Supplier Engagement Tracking
Supplier Analysis & Management
Target & Initiative Management
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Reportwise Academy
Data Collection & Project Setup
Emissions Analysis & Visualisations
ESG Reporting
Target & Initiative Management
Collecting Data
Supplier Academy
Account Setup & Profile Management
Corporate & Product Footprints
Emissions Analysis & Visualisations
Target & Initiative Management
Supplier Engagement
Supplier FAQs
Why participate?
Data collection
Data upload
Data Security & Privacy
Emitwise Scorecards
Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)
Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)
Data Quality
Supplier FAQs for Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Does this apply to my business?
Resource constraints
Business benefits
Data collection
Using the Emitwise platform
Administration & Security
Other technical topics
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Emitwise Academy
Supplier FAQs
Procurewise Academy
Initial Setup & Data Configuration
Engagement Campaign Setup
Supplier Engagement Tracking
Supplier Analysis & Management
Target & Initiative Management
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Reportwise Academy
Data Collection & Project Setup
Emissions Analysis & Visualisations
ESG Reporting
Target & Initiative Management
Collecting Data
Supplier Academy
Account Setup & Profile Management
Corporate & Product Footprints
Emissions Analysis & Visualisations
Target & Initiative Management
Supplier Engagement
Supplier FAQs
Why participate?
Data collection
Data upload
Data Security & Privacy
Emitwise Scorecards
Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)
Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)
Data Quality
Supplier FAQs for Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
Does this apply to my business?
Resource constraints
Business benefits
Data collection
Using the Emitwise platform
Administration & Security
Other technical topics
Champion Academy
Engage App
Supplier FAQs
Complete list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for suppliers submitting data.
Why participate?
Why should I participate?
Is There a Link Between Emitwise and B Corp?
Does Signing Up to Emitwise Give Me the Opportunity to Get an Improved EcoVadis Rating?
What will I receive for my participation?
How Does the Emitwise Platform Differ from Other Platforms?
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Data collection
What type of data are you collecting?
How can I put the right people for data collection in touch with you?
What periods are you basing the calculations on?
I was asked for the revenue figure for 2023, but my accounts department supplied the turnover figure, is this correct?
Where can I find my company's spend data?
Should I include VAT in the spend figures I submit to Emitwise?
Should we provide our total revenue or the revenue with our client?
How does our emissions assessment reflect that our products are built by subcontractors?
How granular is the information you are asking for, and who has access to it?
Should we provide individual transaction data?
I don’t have access to any of the data required to participate; what should I do?
How detailed or granular does the procurement data I provide need to be?
What Data Does Emitwise Collect from Suppliers?
What Data Does Emitwise Share with Customers?
Can I Export a Copy of All the Data Required for the Data Submission?
Can we organise our spending by business division rather than submitting the names of subcontractors?
What Data is Needed to Calculate Corporate Carbon Emissions Intensity?
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Data upload
Where can we find the data templates?
Could I provide a copy of my ESOS or SECR submissions report rather than submitting spend data?
What is the difference between CDP, EcoVadis and Emitwise? Is it necessary to be reporting to all three if our client is asking us to?
We have thousands of purchases. Should we group our purchases by supplier prior to uploading the data?
It’s unclear whether I should be uploading all activity or purchase data to Emitwise or only activity or purchase data that is relevant to my customer.
Should I remove accruals, refunds, returns and internal transfers from the procurement data prior to submitting?
Does your software exclude spend that is not within the boundary of our organisation's footprint?
How do I submit the data?
If we have previously calculated our emissions, should we provide travel data?
Can Emitwise differentiate suppliers and subcontractors or should this be indicated when submitting data?
Is there a required data format?
What happens if I submit the data after the deadline?
In what currency should spend data be submitted?
Can I submit the data without putting it into the template you provided?
What do you mean by providing emissions by scope and category, targets, and initiatives?
What Happens If I Don’t Submit My Data by the Deadline?
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Data Security & Privacy
Data Security at Emitwise
How We Protect Your Data
Why Does Emitwise Ask for Revenue Data?
What Data Will You Report to My Customer?
I Have Concerns About Data Security. How Will You Ensure My Data Is Protected?
How Can I Share My Profile with My Requesting Customer?
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Emitwise Scorecards
Understanding the Emitwise Supplier Scorecard
How Can I Reach Emitwise's Gold Score?
How Do I Access My Supplier Scorecard?
What Are the Different Levels of the Decarbonization Score?
How Can I Improve My Emitwise Score?
Can I Improve My Score Year on Year?
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Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF)
What is Carbon Accounting?
Why Does Carbon Accounting Matter?
How Do You Measure Emissions for Service Businesses?
What is the GHG Protocol?
What is the calculation methodology used to measure emissions?
How do we address any carbon offsetting that we may have done when reporting?
How does the methodology used to measure our emissions compare to what Emitwise might offer direct customers?
How will the client assess the proportion of our emissions that applies to them?
What Are Emission Factors?
How does your software prevent double counting from happening?
Why Does Emitwise Ask for My Company's Revenue?
Understanding Corporate Emissions Intensity
What Happens If My Emissions Intensity Changes?
How is my benchmark calculated, and how might it change over time?
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Product Carbon Footprint (PCF)
Why should I calculate a PCF?
What is the difference between a PCF, an LCA and an EPD?
Who can access my Bill of Materials?
Is your PCF aligned with other standards?
I have a product available in different dimensions. Should I create a PCF for each dimension?
Do you take into account circularity?
How are you calculating transportation emissions?
What scope of emissions is covered by the PCF?
Where can I find the bill of materials?
Do I have to calculate a PCF and also my corporate carbon footprint?
Which products should I calculate a PCF for?
How do I calculate a PCF for a product that I resell or distribute?
What should I input as the UUID of my product?
How do I calculate a PCF?
I sell services. How should I calculate a Product Carbon Footprint?
If we supply a product to multiple customer locations, how do we report the transport intensity? A weighted average? Or is Transport intensity not required?
If we provide different products to different customers, and we have more than one customer request in Emitwise, how do our customers only see the PCF's that are relevant to them?
If we supply many products but they all have the same emissions intensity, can we group them together, rather than entering each sku?
What do I need to do for my customer to see my PCF?
Are there guidelines for what is required for a PCF methodology report?
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Data Quality
How Can I Pass Corporate Emissions Intensity Data Quality the First Time I Submit Data?
What Are the Reasons I Could Fail Data Quality for Corporate Emissions Intensity?
What Do Emitwise’s Auto-Checks Look For When Doing Data Quality for Corporate Emissions Intensity?
What is the Difference Between Auto-Checks and Manual Human Review of Corporate Emissions Intensity?
How Can I Ensure My Scope 3 Emissions Data Meets Quality Standards?
What Are the Common Reasons for Failing Automated Data Quality Checks?
How Do I Resolve a Failed Manual Data Quality Check?
What Is the Role of Automated Notifications in Improving Data Quality?
Why Is It Important to Submit High-Quality Corporate Emissions Data?
How Can I Provide Scope 3 Emissions Data if I Have Never Measured It Before?
What is Implied Margin and Why Did I Fail the Implied Margin Check?
I failed data quality due to "Outside industry benchmark," what should I do?
I failed data quality due to "Scope 3 emissions too low," what should I do?
I failed data quality due to "Incomplete data for the year," what should I do?
I failed data quality due to "Incomplete data," what should I do?
I failed data quality due to "Spend poor description," what should I do?
I failed data quality due to "Spend file not in English," what should I do?
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Why Does Having an SBTi-Aligned Target Matter?
What Methods Does Emitwise Enable for Setting and Validating SBTi-Aligned Targets?
What Are the Requirements for My Target to Be SBTi-Aligned?
How Do I Set Near-Term and Long-Term Targets Aligned with SBTi Criteria?
What is a Baseline Year and How Does it Affect My SBTi-Aligned Target?
How Can I Set Scope 3 Emissions Targets with Emitwise?
What is the Difference Between Absolute and Intensity Reduction Targets?
What Is a Supplier Engagement Target?
What Are Science-Based Targets?
How Can I Achieve Net-Zero?
How Do I Set Science-Based Targets with Emitwise?
Why Do Targets Matter for My Company?
What are the Next Steps to Achieve Emissions Reductions?
What Are Carbon Offsets?
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